Currently located: Ceduna, SA
Next destination: Penong, SA (75km away)
Next town: Norseman, WA (1,222km away)
Total distance cycled: 2,344km
In a few days, we will cross the Nullarbor. Internet and mobile phone services will be very limited (or none). We hope to keep you posted as soon as we could. The blog entries until Ceduna will be updated then too.
Thank you all for staying tune! ;=)
lukas and sue
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When we looked yesterday at the map of Penong we changed to the satellite view and discovered there 2 bikes next to 2 large bath towels on the beach of Chadinga Conservation Reserve. In the evening the two bicycles were still standing there, so today as well. Either you straight make holidays on the beach, or the two black points are no bicycles ...
ReplyDeleteThe situation reminds me on an experience in Enneskillen, Northern Ireland. During the Apollo 11 moon landing the crew disappeared behind the moon first time and the connection was interrupted, hundreds of spectators were waiting in front of a television shop for the redemptive message... finally it came screeching out of the speakers. All cheered.
ReplyDeleteOk, we switched the speakers on...