Monday, March 29, 2010

Watch out for male kangaroos!

Date: 26-03-2010
Day 48: Balranald, NSW
Distance cycled: 95km

Recognizing how the high-UV from the afternoon sun is not only bad for our health, it also always made the last 10km to the next destination in the heat somewhat agonizing. We trialled a new strategy: leaving in the wee hours of the morning. We left Maude before 5:30am.

Traffic was close to none as we rode south towards the Sturt Highway where we continued west to Balranald. While we were equipped with enough lights on our bikes, it was a still little spooky not being able to see beyond the road in front of us. Perhaps that is why Sue was especially talkative that morning. ;) In spite of that, the stars viewed in complete darkness cannot be more magical and magnificent.

We made good distance when the morning sun finally shone on our backs. We also saw several road signs to watch out for male kangaroos. Only the males. ;p

We arrived around 12:30pm in Balranald. The Balranald Caravan Park located along the Murrumbidgee River was a very nice and well-maintained park. We checked out the town for lunch and the bakery saved the day! Our new strategy to leave early worked well as our early arrival gave us several hours more to check out the town and recuperate.

With more time left to savour the day, we took a dip in the caravan park’s pool with our chilled drinks at hand. Paul, Bob, Tom and Mick joined us under the sun shade at the pool area with their chilled beer at hand. ;) We both enjoyed a fun and laidback chat with these nice blokes who came from the neighbouring town of Swan Hill for the fishing competition this weekend held at the caravan park itself. (That explains all the trucks pulling into the park with their boats in tow!) Yes Bob, we will try to consider holding up our bikes and flinging it off a cliff when we successfully made it to Perth!

Hope you guys had some good catch of Murray cods and Yellowbellies!

Destinations: [NSW] North Sydney - Heathcote - Coledale - Wollongong - Robertson - Moss Vale - Goulburn - Queanbeyan - Yass - Gundagai - Wagga Wagga - Narrandera - Darlington Point - Hay - Maude - Balranald


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